LCPTU (Little Crap That Piles Up)

Most of what we view as the inevitable decay of our own bodies is not really inevitable nor is it irreversible. We could call it accumulated micro-trauma (AMT), but let’s just say it is Little Crap That Piles Up (LCTPU).

Where does LCPTU come from? Stuff happens. We get hurt. We get better, we go on. But sometimes we didn’t get 100% of the injury healed. We were in a hurry to get on with life, so we skipped a few details. Those details are LCTPU.

Eventually, we get too much LCPTU, and we have some significant loss of function. We feel bad, we want to feel better, so we go off to the MD for pills or to the surgeon and get cut on. We get some better, maybe. We may still have lurking LCPTU, but we are told that is normal. After all, we are getting older.

There is nothing like low expectations to ensure poor results. Maybe asking a skilled technician what the options are would be a good investment. Lots of major decay that we call aging is just LCPTU. Why not clean it up before we start throwing big money and new parts at the problem?

We have choices. We can wait until things are really really bad, and then go with the nuclear option (major meds, surgery, suicide). We can stay in terrified denial until we die (suicide again really, just more passive). We can pro-actively attend to LCPTU. I like that last one. It is cheaper, safer, and more effective.