
“In order to feel alive, we need free flow, whether we call it a free flow of energy or movement.” — R. Louis Schultz, D.O.

People come to me wanting help. They often have very specific complaints. And they often have other vague concerns that they are not even sure anyone can understand. I help with both kinds of issues. I enjoy solving these problems, especially when I can combine that with creating new patterns that are more functional and less likely to generate the same dysfunction again.

Here is a listing of some of the challenges clients have brought to me that I have dealt with successfully. Some are clinical diagnoses from other professionals, and some are personal descriptions reported by my clients.

Learn more about how I work with these conditions:

Muscle injuries: Pulls, tears, strains, soreness, cramps and spasms

Pulls, tears, strains, soreness, cramps and spasms are very treatable.

I have experience (and consistent success) with all sorts of muscular pain and trauma. I am able to feel where the actual injury is, and analytically pinpoint the mechanism that created the conditions that led to the injury. You will feel better quickly, and then learn how to go forward successfully.

I often give you something to do at home. I believe that if I am doing a good job for you, you will not only feel better, but also know more about how to take care of yourself while still doing the things you enjoy.

Headaches, TMJ syndrome, migraines, sinus problems, and chronic ear infections

Migraines: A combination of cranial and structural techniques is effective for these challenges, even where the problems have been manifesting for decades. Manual techniques consistently outperform surgical or pharmaceutical interventions for most of these situations.

Sinus and chronic ear infections: I have had significant success with people who had struggle for years with pain and/or repeated infection. The mechanical component of infection is generally not well understood or heeded. Metaphorically, when the plumbing is bad the fluids accumulate or don’t reach their intended targets. This can be resolved, and normal health restored.

TMJ syndrome: This is felt in the jaw, but it is a manifestation of a whole body pattern. The mandible (jawbone) is connected at two joints to the temporal bones. When the two temporal bones are not matched, the jaw can only fit comfortably on one side. Lasting treatment addresses the entire skeletal system to establish the support the temporals need to stay properly aligned.

Back and neck pain, including disk problems, sciatica, pinched nerves, and tailbone injuries

Back and neck pain, including disc problems, sciatica, pinched nerves, and tailbone injuries:

I can help. It has been very rare that I could not reduce someone’s pain in the first session. I then work to get them completely out of pain, and improve their capability. I have helped many people who have been told by medical doctors that there was no relief other than drugs and surgery for their pain. You never “Just have to live with it”. Improvement is always possible.

I carefully assess where and when your pain happens, and how it began. My training allows me many options for investigation and relief. We can calm irritated nerves, ease tense muscles, stack the parts up better, and show you how to function safely and happily.

Scoliosis and other postural problems

Postural problems, including scoliosis:

Structural integration combined with movement work rapidly eases most postural problems. This works faster on children, but even the elderly see dramatic postural improvement and many delightful accompanying benefits.

Scolisosis responds well to Structural Integration and Feldenkrais. A so-called “short leg” is often seen with scoliosis. It is a muscular condition most of the time, and often actually has nothing to do with the real length of the legs. Severe scoliosis can be to some extent permanent, but it is treatable. You can feel straighter and stronger. There is no limit to how well you can learn to move, regardless of the shape of your spine.

Arthritis and degenerative joint disease

Arthritis and degenerative joint disease:

These often seem to be vague or inaccurate diagnoses. Many people have diagnoses that were given to them in brief exams, and are led to believe there is little chance for healing. It is not my place to diagnose you, so I just go right to the improvement. Sometimes pain is reduced in a few minutes. Muscular and postural imbalances can cause pain by compressing the joints. Restoring free movement leads to a great reduction in inflammation and associated pain.

If the force of gravity is organized through the center of a joint during motion, then the movement is easier and more comfortable. If it is not, then much can go wrong. Part of my job is to see where in your body things are not stacking efficiently. It can be far away from the painful place, and it can be in only part of a movement that a problem occurs.

Another factor in most discomfort is awkward sequencing. Many of us have been taught to feel strain as a way to know we are doing something. Strain usually means we are overdoing something, and could learn to do it more easily and more pleasantly. I will teach you how to eliminate unnecessary effort, and apply accurate energy to challenges.

Much of what we call normal aging is restricted movement. It is totally reversible. There is no need for older persons to lose a sense of free joyous movement.

Foot, knee and hip problems

Foot, knee and hip problems including flat feet, over-pronation, over-supination, plantar fasciitis, dropped metatarsals, neuroma, chondromalacia, ITB syndrome, shin splints:

These are all related. It is important to always work with a whole leg, and in fact with a whole body and person. I have a particular interest in this, and have taught classes for therapists devoted just to foot structure and function, as well as classes on integrating the whole leg system.

These are all related. It is important to always work with a whole leg, and in fact with a whole body and person. I have a particular interest in this, and have taught classes for therapists devoted just to foot structure and function, as well as classes on integrating the whole leg system.

Movement analysis helps spot useful ways to re-organize troublesome situations. I have helped runners return to running painlessly after injury and wear and tear have limited them to short walks. Many people who struggled to walk at all become able to perform the simple tasks of daily life.

Most knee problems are actually caused by restriction far away from the place of pain. I focus on the cause so you can move past the symptom. I sincerely doubt that most hip or knee surgeries are necessary, and I hope everyone who is considering one will get more information about alternatives. Surgery should be a last resort.

Shoulder problems, including frozen shoulder

Shoulder problems, including frozen shoulder:

Shoulders are very mobile and naturally complex. It takes thoroughness and experience to find the true causes of shoulder pain. There are two joints in each shoulder, and the function of the whole shoulder system is dependent on the ribs and spine for support.

I have helped people who for years couldn’t even raise their arm above their shoulder return to full normal range and strength. Chronic dislocation or separation of the shoulder indicates postural and functional problems not limited to the symptomatic shoulder. I will help you learn how to use your shoulder safely, comfortably and effectively.

The first goal is to relieve the symptoms, often by working out spasms and calming the affected nerves. Second is to look for more support from adjacent structures. Given proper support, most shoulders will relax and move freely.

We work to re-train your musculature via your brain, which is the controlling organ. Getting a clear idea of how your shoulder is meant to work avoids strain and repetition of injury. I will give you movements to explore at home so you can help yourself.

Carpal tunnel, tennis elbow and other arm, wrist and hand problems

Carpal tunnel, tennis elbow and other arm, wrist and hand problems:

Fast and lasting relief is possible. The first session usually brings amazing pain reduction. First we determine where the impingements on the nerves are. These places where the nerves are trapped or over-stretched can be anywhere from the wrist to the neck. After identifying them, we then work to open those areas.

Re-establishing balance between the muscles is often a critical part of treatment. Trigger points and spasms must be coaxed in releasing. Often stretching and de-torqueing the fascia is needed. Then your arm starts to feel normal.

Once we have some sense of normalcy, you can learn to use your arm system comfortably. Simple painless movements help establish clarity.

Braces and/or surgery are very rarely necessary and may well be counter-productive. Re-organizing the musculature and teaching you how to move easily get you out of the cycle of irritation, and allow you to heal completely.

Systemic diseases and syndromes: Parkinson's, polio, fibromyalgia, diabetes, Addison's, etc.

Systemic Diseases and Syndromes: Parkinson’s, polio, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, etc.

These are difficult problems and I do not claim to cure them ever! However, the symptoms can be greatly reduce in some cases.You can then learn how to function more comfortably. Part of my job is to ensure that youin increments that fit your needs and abilities.

Even if you have had problems since childhood, we can find improvements beyond anything you have experienced. I have the luxury of time to create a customized approach to your body. I find that most people who have major physical challenges have cultivated unusual resources. I focus on building from those strengths, rather than from an arbitrary concept of normal.

I understand that you may have an excellent team of practitioners covering your medical needs, and I will gladly co-operate with them in helping you live the best possible life.

Internal organ dysfunctions

Internal Organ Dyfunctions:

I have an unusual combination of training that gives me marvelous tools to support those dealing with internal disorders. I have worked with sufferers of Crohn’s disease, celiac disease, irritable bowel syndrome, hiatal hernia and reflux problems, chronic and acute urinary tract infections, and non-specific abdominal pain. It is so satisfying to restore harmony to the internal organs.

Surprisingly quick results are possible for dysfunctions that defy conventional medicine. Postural work can bring welcome relief, and the subtlety of visceral work often can restore normal function in a few sessions.

These are major health challenges sometimes, and for some people I can only mitigate the symptoms and increase their energy and ability to live well. This still allows for improvement in awareness, function and self determination.

Nerve pain and neuropathy

Nerve Pain and Neuropathy:

There are excellent modern approaches for relieving nerve pain. I studied with Dr. Don Hazen, who has developed a new manual protocol for treating inflamed nerves. Feldenkrais and cranial work get changes throughout the body that take the pressure off the affected nerves. Restoring normal sensation interrupts the cycle of pain and inflammation. I will work to ensure that you understand what triggers your pain and how you can successfully function without recurrence.

Neuropathy seems to be a combination of over-stimulated nerves and nerves that are shut down. It often responds well to cranial work. Feldenkrais work can bring radical changes by helping the nervous system re-open normal channels.

Balance problems

Balance Problems:

There are at least three ways to treat balance challenges. We can work structurally to align the body so that balance is easier, and to improve the function of the feet so that standing is safer. We can treat the cranial system, which directly improves inner ear balance. And we can work from a Feldenkrais perspective to clarify how you balance in movement and what you can improve. There is no need for balance to decay as a part of aging!

I like solving problems. The detective work is fun for me, and the results are very gratifying for both of us! If you have something I have not mentioned I may well be able to help you. Please contact me and ask about how my approach might work for you. If I feel I can’t help you, I might be able to send you to another excellent practitioner for what you want.

Many of the things that we have been told are untreatable by conventional medicine are very workable with my methods. Medical doctors do many wonderful things, but they are not often aware of the range of alternative therapy available today. If you have pain or limitation that you would like to address, please contact me. It can be surprisingly quick and easy to restore full function and comfort after surgical procedures or complex injuries. I have the time and the training to help you heal fully, even if it has been decades since your original injury.

Increasing Performance: We can work to improve performance, even if you are not in pain or sure what might be limiting your personal development.

Increasing Performance:

Adding capability is most often a matter of identifying unused resources and then combining that with cleaning up old injuries and replacing out-moded habits with more efficient ones. The same approaches that help those facing the challenges of pain and injury can be used to enhance function and enjoyment for those of us lucky to be feeling healthy and active. I have worked with Olympic and professional level athletes, professional dancers and performers, and “regular” people who were interested in exploring their physical function and expression.

I really enjoy learning how different people train. The variety of approaches to exercise, rest, diet, and skill development fascinate me. There are exciting developments happening in athletic training, and many of these apply to all human function.

When an athlete comes for help, I assume that they know their sport better than I do. But there are certain principles that are consistent across all human action, and together we can explore what works and what needs improvement.

I feel I offer an unusually deep approach to educating the body. By combining structural and functional analysis we can explore how you move and express yourself, and what resources are available for you to use to pursue your goals more effectively. Often old injuries are not completely resolved, and these can drain energy. You can get rid of nagging problems and establish new positive habits. This leads directly to quantum improvements.