Precise and Profound: Lumbar Spine


5 class hours, 9:30-3:30, March 3rd, at Yugen Wellness

Limited to 10 students

2 in stock

Category: Product ID: 2158



  • Learn a clear and useful approach to lower back issues
  • Direct techniques, combined with active movement.
  • Accurate client positioning for average, fragile or athletic clients.
  • Customized body mechanics for effective delivery of techniques, with practitioner comfort.


Helping clients with low back pain is an important part of our work.  Get results, and you can build your reputation and increase your income. Your clients will tell others, and the magic of ‘word of mouth’ will bring new people to your door.

What matters most? Getting your clients engaged! It’s their commitment that makes the biggest difference, both in their healing and in your financial success.


How do you shift them from the “fix me, while I just lay here” mindset, to being partners in their progress? You give them some of the things they expect, you put them on the table, you listen well to them, you touch them reassuringly-

but you also shift a few key dynamics.


First, you get clear on positioning.  You set them up precisely on the table, maybe a bit differently than they expected, and the session changes. You make it clear that you plan to deliver something new. something more effective than the usual.  You gently but strategically take over, delivering an implied message that you have a clear plan, and you have information and skills. By asking them to move and adjust, you take them out of passivity, and you simultaneously shift the whole situation. You empower them, and you give them an awareness of their part in the action. Without any big discussion or drama, you disarm their habitual patterns of frustration, powerlessness, resentment and blame. It’s no longer on you to produce all the healing!

The active movement does some great things. It opens pathways into the tissue, so you get more done in your sessions. You have them working in ways that make it easier on your hands and with better positioning, it’s easier on your whole body.   By touching a more engaged person, you will deepen your understanding.  And they will be more present with you, learning more and developing more respect for your skill.


Powerful cues reduce effort, and engage the client in their own improvement. Simultaneously, cues teach clients better movement both on and off the table.  The increased engagement will shift your clients’ attitude and create better commitment- the number one path to success. Giving cues is a skill that improves quickly when practiced regularly.

Close the session by transitioning into homework and rebooking. This eliminates the tendency for clients to linger on the table. You get them up and take them through their homework. The same movement you gave them when they were on the table now serve as the foundation of the homework. They already felt it, and know physically it works. Going back through the moves will empower them to help themselves. As a nice bonus, when they are at home, those moves will remind them how good it will feel to get back on your table. Next you say “Practice these things, and when you come back, you can show me your gains challenges, and we will make adjustments. Now, let’s get you scheduled!”

They have more self care options, you have encouraged them to take more responsibility, and you have made it clear that there’s more you can do together. You are building their confidence in your ability to help them heal.



Maximum class size is 10 students. There will be a strong emphasis on body mechanics. Each technique will come with clear cues.  I want you to walk away knowing you can deliver great work.

Monday, March 3rd. 9:30-3:30 5 hours in class, 60 minute lunch

Class will be held at Yugen Wellness, 4455 S 700 E #201, Salt Lake City, UT 84107

Wear viewing clothes- bikini cut underwear or bathing attire, sports bra or similar for women.

Please bring a pillow, and a blanket, for positioning.

Price: $175, Early bird discount is $150,  (please save yourself the money!).


I am an Approved Provider with NCBMBT.  CEs pending for this course (normally takes 90 days after completion).




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