“That’s what the body is: potential. For everything.” Juan Aldape
Thank you for reading this page. Some of the issues I cover may seem very obvious to you. I want to make everything as clear as possible for those who are new to this kind of work. Forgive me if anything seems awkward any way. I welcome questions, and I am always learning more about how to do this wonderful work.
Fee is due at the time of your session unless a prior arrangement has been made. Cash, checks and major credit cards are accepted gladly. If you ask, I will give you a receipt. I do not process insurance. If your insurance company contacts me, when you give me written permission I will give them appropriate information about treatment and charges.
Sessions are for 60 minutes (1 hour), starting at the scheduled time. Please be punctual. Occasionally, we may run over or be finished a few minutes early. Please inform me at the beginning of the session if you need to leave early. Partial sessions are normally full price.
48 hours (2 full days) notice is required to change or cancel an appointment. Otherwise, payment in full is expected. Illness or serious family emergencies will be accommodated. Work is not an emergency in most cases.
Confidentiality is very important in the therapeutic context. You are free to speak to anyone you choose about anything in our work. I am not. I will not discuss your session or anything you say to me during our work with anyone without your permission. If you know someone else who works with me, you are welcome to ask that person directly about her or his experience. I can not tell you about their work with me. Thank you for understanding.
Sexual actions or requests are not appropriate. Your feelings are your own, and as a professional I understand that the particular circumstances of working with the body can create potentially confusing moments. I will help you feel safe and respected. There are times when issues related to sexuality may be a useful topic for our work. I do not judge clients according to sexual orientation or preference.
If you feel uncomfortable during a session, I will gladly adjust my technique. I understand that strong emotions including anger may arise during a session, and I will gladly help you to express or contain it as needed. Powerful emotions can be very healing, and there are safe ways to handle them. Please remember that you are an adult, with all rights and responsibilities.

It is my goal to help people reconnect with their bodies. Along the way many things are discovered, some that we have been taught to value, and some that we have been taught to reject. I firmly believe all of it is useful, and all of it is good when well used. I am grateful for the opportunity to do this work, and I will do my best to serve. Please feel free to discuss any of this with me. Thank you.