“The system developed by Moshé Feldenkrais has as much potential for understanding the mind/body relationship as Einstein’s general theory of relativity had for physics.”
—Bernard Lake, M.D.
Functional Integration is the Feldenkrais name for one-on-one lessons. Usually I do hands-on work, and often you get to lie on the table and be moved. Often you will change positions, and some work is done sitting, standing and walking.
The focus is always on what you are learning about your self. That may be very direct, like noticing how your leg bends and rotates, or it may be less direct like noticing that you tense up in a far away part of your body, or even before the movement begins.
Dr. Feldenkrais was a scientist, so he created an approach that contains little experiments. This gives you a chance to gently test your expectations about your body. We will create challenges that are analogous to the problem you are having. By solving these, you build the resources to overcome your real life challenges.
We all have been misled at times regarding our bodies. There is a lot of conflicting information in our culture, and there are situations where other people offer opinions about your body that are based in their own fears or desires. The Feldenkrais approach gives you a chance to notice when information is inaccurate, and make an update. These discoveries accumulate quickly, allowing you to change bigger things easily.
Our habits can get us into trouble. We do things we don’t notice, and sometimes they are exactly the things that cause our pain. Often we stop improving our movement at around age 15. Some patterns are set much earlier and never updated. Imagine letting a 15 year old control your financial or romantic life! We have the capacity to learn and to then use our bodily wisdom to make life easier and more interesting.
“Nothing is permanent about our behavior patterns except our belief that they are so.” Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais