Workstations part 2, options
Recent research indicates that sitting with your knees lower than your hips makes for less pressure on your spinal discs. This means having your seat high enough so that it
Recent research indicates that sitting with your knees lower than your hips makes for less pressure on your spinal discs. This means having your seat high enough so that it
Most of us have two feet. Unless our feet hurt we pretty much ignore them. Some of us hurt so consistently that we also ignore that. But whatever our feet
As author and spiritual teacher Steven Levine succinctly stated, “Pain sucks.” Some pretty plain speaking! It makes us pay attention. Pain means tissue damage. We are getting injured, and we
About 24 years ago, I was driving my son to school. We were late, and I was feeling a bit frustrated with life and parenting. I pulled up at a
We are part of a huge social experiment. Our culture sits more than any other society in history. Much of our lives is experienced less than two feet from our
I was chatting with some friends when one asked about getting the attention of a man in whom she was romantically interested. I replied, “Show up naked, and bring beer.”
“We ask: where does it hurt and that may be the question that makes life impossible. Why not ask, where is it comfortable? That is the question to train.” Mia
Nassim Nicholas Taleb is a very interesting writer. He is an economist, and a philosopher. His book Antifragile: Things That Gain From Disorder offers some useful insights into dealing with
The way it is… a common saying, for sure. And it has its uses. Acceptance is good, often wise, and can be a great relief. Resignation is not. Resignation is defeat,
I was teaching a movement exploration during an advanced training for massage therapists. They were all successful working practitioners, many extremely intelligent. The material was complex, and some people were
“What we observe is not nature itself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning.” Werner Heisenberg, physicist, and author of the uncertainty principle. An “Umwelt” is the perceptual world
“You don’t owe your identity anything.” Jenn Stauffler We all adopt an identity. It exists partly independent of us, as a social construct. Other people help form it. We